Release notes (click to show) :VERSION 2.3.15 - 08/01/23Fix issues with PHP 8.1
Remove useless patterns files from the default theme
VERSION 2.3.14 - 17/10/22Fix issue with alt tag on images for WCAG compatibility
VERSION 2.3.13 - 04/07/22Fix issue with video not showing if there is only 1 slide
Fix issue with caption not showing if there is only 1 slide
VERSION 2.3.12 - 31/05/22Fix issue with uri in Joomla 4
VERSION 2.3.11 - 05/05/22Add option to show the title on the thumbnails
VERSION 2.3.10 - 07/03/22[Pro] Fix issues with flexicontent and category filtering
VERSION 2.3.9 - 07/03/22Fix issues with articles and flexicontent on Joomla 4
VERSION 2.3.8 - 06/02/22Add space before the css suffix to work the same way as others
Fix issue with fields rendering in the Light version
Fix issue with option to select a Page Builder CK page in the Light version
Fix PHP issue
Add compatibility with PHP 8.1
VERSION 2.3.7 - 09/01/22Fix issue with Joomla 4 when user is logged in
VERSION 2.3.6 - 14/12/21Fix issue when using only 1 slide with video (works if option effect autoplay is off)
[Pro] [Flickr] Add option to setup a cache time to improve the page speed
[Pro] [Google] Add option to setup a cache time to improve the page speed
VERSION 2.3.5 - 22/11/21Fix issue when using only 1 image
Fix issue with deprecated code when using Joomla 4
VERSION 2.3.4 - 08/11/21Fix issue with article loading in a slide when using Joomla 4
VERSION 2.3.3 - 14/10/21Add compatibility with WEBP images
Add rel noopener noreferrer for the _blank target links
VERSION 2.3.2 - 04/10/21Fix issue with folder selection
VERSION 2.3.1 - 27/09/21Add few CSS to fix issues with video height and thumbs position
[Pro] [Articles] Add option to display the date of the article
[Pro] [Articles] Add option to display the author of the article
[Pro] [Articles] Add option to display the category of the article
[Pro] [Flexicontent] Fix issue with image root path
[Pro] [Instagram] Remove the Instagram plugin because it is not working anymore
VERSION 2.3.0 - 18/01/21Add compatibility with Joomla 4
Add compatibility with PHP 8
Fix issue with the images browser and huge amount of images : use ajax request to load images
Fix issue with px unit in the slideshow width
VERSION 2.2.2 - 07/12/20Add compatibility with VH unit
Fix issue with the timezone for the slides dates
[Pro] [Folder] Fix issue with link using multilangual website and lightbox
VERSION 2.2.1 - 30/11/20Add option loop for local videos
Add option controls for local videos
[Pro] [Articles] Add option to show the slides from text with a default image
Fix issue with arrows in the calendar
[Pro] Fix issue with nmuber of slides in the plugins options
VERSION 2.2.0 - 12/10/20Add compatibility with Watchful update
Add aria-current attribute for the accessibility
[Pro] [Folder] Add option to sort the images by shooting date
[Pro] Add Flexicontent plugin as source of the slides (see doc)
VERSION 2.1.1 - 31/08/20Add prepare content option in the advanced tab to enable compatibilty with articles loading and Page Builder CK
VERSION 2.1.0 - 04/05/20[Pro] Add Instagram plugin as source of the slides
[Pro] Fix issue with cyrillic characters when loading from a folder and using the labels.txt
VERSION 2.0.17 - 29/04/20Add option autoplay for local videos
Use HTML5 video tag for local videos, instead of iframe
Improve the user interaction for the local video
VERSION 2.0.16 - 11/02/20Add option to load the script inline (if problem with module loaded in article and cache active)
[Pro] Add option to use a Page Builder CK page to create animated captions
VERSION 2.0.15 - 02/01/20Fix issue with thumbs in subdomain
Fix issue with CSS in the RTL format
VERSION 2.0.14 - 05/12/19Fix issue with caption position when using middle layout and moveFromBottom
Remove html tag in the demo data to avoid issues on few servers
VERSION 2.0.13 - 02/11/19Fix issue with alt tag on image that are missing if no caption
VERSION 2.0.12 - 23/10/19Fix issue with frontend edition rights
VERSION 2.0.11 - 21/10/19Add feature to add a slide on the top of the slides manager, using the top button
[Pro] [K2] Add options to show the article creation date, and select the date format
Fix issue with thumb image url in the preview interface
VERSION 2.0.10 - 03/10/19Fix issue with mobile specific images creation
Fix issue with image url
VERSION 2.0.9 - 19/09/19[Pro] Add Virtuemart plugin to show the products
Fix Google font issue
VERSION 2.0.8 - 10/09/19Add config.xml file to set the edition rights to user groups
Fix issue with Joomla 4 (module)
Fix issue with edition rights
VERSION 2.0.7 - 16/07/19[Pro] [Folder] Fix issue with uppercase image extension
VERSION 2.0.6 - 05/07/19Add option to not show the debut message (items not found)
[Pro] [K2] [Folder] Fix issue with the additionnal plugins and errors when editing modules
VERSION 2.0.5 - 25/06/19Fix issue with article link when using the slides manager
VERSION 2.0.4 - 24/06/19Add ACL on the component to choose who can edit (select image, use styling interface, select menu ...)
Fix issue with shuffle order not working
[Pro] [Articles] Fix issue with external url on images
[Pro] [K2] Fix issue with external url on images
VERSION 2.0.3 - 20/06/19Fix issue with image upload
VERSION 2.0.2 - 20/06/19Fix issue with MySQL style table creation on install
VERSION 2.0.1 - 19/06/19Fix PHP issue
VERSION 2.0.0 - 13/06/19New major version. See for more details
VERSION 1.4.64 - 12/06/19Add aria-label on anchor links for accessibility (based on title)
Fix issue with link target
VERSION 1.4.63 - 29/03/19Add option to strip html tag in the caption
VERSION 1.4.62 - 25/03/19Add feature to use a labels.txt file to set the attributes on slides when loading from a folder
VERSION 1.4.61 - 25/11/18Fix issues with frontend editing
VERSION 1.4.60 - 19/11/18Remove the Big Bunny video from the demo data
VERSION 1.4.59 - 06/11/18Fix problem with image selection when using Advanced Modules Manager Pro
VERSION 1.4.58 - 05/11/18Fix issue with 1.4.57
VERSION 1.4.57 - 05/11/18Fix JS error if no html found
VERSION 1.4.56 - 03/11/18Fix issue with opacity background not applied if set to 0
Update url from http to https in admin side
VERSION 1.4.55 - 18/09/18Fix issue with slide link not used if autoload from image is set
VERSION 1.4.54 - 07/05/18[Params] Add option to load the slides from a Google photos album
VERSION 1.4.53 - 02/05/18Fix issue with fullpage background and image dimensions
VERSION 1.4.52 - 13/03/18Add option to enable keyboard control (left = previous, right = next, P = play/pause)
VERSION 1.4.51 - 03/03/18Improve the responsive behavior : you can now give a width in px and it is still responsive
Improve the text truncate method (when loading articles)
VERSION 1.4.50 - 09/01/18Fix issue with image alignment option not working when using full page option
VERSION 1.4.49 - 08/01/18Add accessibility with tabulation and enter touch on keyboard (thanks to Adam Gatt !)
VERSION 1.4.48 - 12/12/17Improve size calculation for thumbnails container
VERSION 1.4.47 - 14/11/17Fix issue with image size on Flickr
VERSION 1.4.46 - 03/10/17Fix JS issue on easing
VERSION 1.4.45 - 14/09/17Fix issue with scripts executed several times on the same slideshow (often a cache issue)
Fix admin buttons in the module
VERSION 1.4.44 - 23/06/17Remove the time stamp in image url
VERSION 1.4.43 - 29/05/17Add advanced option to Fix Html to avoid issue when the text is truncated
VERSION 1.4.42 - 15/05/17Separate the slideshow object from the jQuery instance to avoid conflicts
Add alt tag on images
Add option to put the link on the title only
VERSION 1.4.41 - 26/01/17Add compatibility with the plugin to load K2 elements
VERSION 1.4.40 - 22/11/16Add event 'cameraupdate' than can be triggered to force the slideshow to recalculate its dimensions
VERSION 1.4.39 - 08/11/16Improve the transition with the full page background mode
VERSION 1.4.38 - 27/10/16Fix issue with 0 value for article character length
VERSION 1.4.37 - 19/10/16Add option to disable/hide the caption
Add option to disable/hide the descrioption only
VERSION 1.4.36 - 06/10/16Fix a css issue with caption on multiple modules
Fix frontent image selection for non super users
Remove the time stamp in image url
VERSION 1.4.35 - 03/10/16Improve fullwidth background images ratio
VERSION 1.4.34 - 01/10/16Allow image selection from the frontend edition
VERSION 1.4.33 - 13/09/16Add option to load the slides from the Full Text image in the article options
VERSION 1.4.32 - 05/09/16Fix an issue with the date filtering on the slides
VERSION 1.4.31 - 01/05/16Fix an issue with the padding in the caption
VERSION 1.4.30 - 27/04/16Add dates options to limit each slide to start and end date
Add compatibility with % for margins
Add min-height option to limit the height on small screens
Add adaptative caption option to make the font responsive (if set in em)
VERSION 1.4.29 - 28/03/16Improve the full background ratio and display
VERSION 1.4.28 - 23/03/16Fix issue on mobile device with touch move
VERSION 1.4.27 - 04/03/16Remove dependency to jquery mobile, add custom touch event handler code
VERSION 1.4.26 - 11/02/16If only one slide, force the navigation and button to be OFF
VERSION 1.4.25 - 07/02/16Fix issue in IE11 to delete a slide from the slides manager
VERSION 1.4.24 - 28/01/16Add option to automatically link to the image itself for Lightbox (need the plugins params)
VERSION 1.4.23 - 19/12/15Fix a javascript issue
VERSION 1.4.22 - 14/10/15Fix issue with Curl using Flickr
Add effect option for Kenburns
VERSION 1.4.21 - 25/08/15Add option to autoload images from Flickr
VERSION 1.4.19 - 29/06/15Fix issue with existing thumbnails
if (typeof(jQuery) != "undefined") try jQuery( "#releasenotesck .releasenotesckcontent" ).hide();jQuery( "#releasenotesck .releasenotesckheading" ).click(function() jQuery( "#releasenotesck .releasenotesckcontent" ).toggle(); );;catch(err) // document.getElementById("releasenotesck").innerHTML = err.message;alert(err);
Plugin Slideshow CK Params - Joomla 2.5 36